We offer low and high pressure washing for many types of surfaces, including vinyl and aluminum siding, stucco, dryvit, brick and concrete. We use our very own special blend of cleaning products in our Pressure Washing system that enables us to clean effectively and safely.

Brighter’s Pressure Washing Services Include:

  • Exterior of houses
  • Gutters
  • Decks & Decking
  • Patios
  • Patio Furniture
  • Pool Areas
  • Sidewalks
  • Driveways
  • Siding
  • Eaves
  • Mold Removal
  • Pavers

Give your home a makeover with Pressure Washing. Most houses only receive attention when they are being painted. But did you know that cleaning your house’s exterior can make it look newer?

Our process revitalizes the appearance of your house, making it appear bright and beautiful. We recommend that you have you home pressure washed at least every 1 or 2 years to maintain its appearance and reduce the possibility of stains.

patio after power washing

Our Pressure Washing Services can bring a sparkle back to your patio and patio furniture too. Our system gives your old furniture new life.

Pressure Washing is the most effective way to clean mold. Our special system rids your home, patio and deck of green and black mold, algae and moss.


Call us today for your free pressure washing estimate: 570.341.7422